A Plague of Blue Locusts
Extreme Windy Weathermen irritates THE MAN
Industrial sabotage
Frenzied brutal lock up Reaganite binge
restoring THE MAN
Southern warm Weather gulags
Electronic torture fades memories of
Caryl Chessman, Elridge Cleaver
Black Panther
Anti-rape militias, Men against Sexism Campaigns
George Jackson Brigade fade out
Class war political booty
Man giving a little to keep a lot
dissipates as cops , guards , enforce a new
terrorisation of the poor philosophy
Pentagon Whiz-bang high-tech tentacles reach out
in state of the Art real-time Gotham-
Policing the Narcotics Trojan horse.
Federal largesse facilitates paramilitary pile-ons,
Warrant Fugitive Sweeps,
POP Team extra-mural Televised Nixon -Goldwater kiddie sweeps
ODELE NARCO Praetorian Guard acts on Calgang Database
centrally referenced gang- labelled information
SWAT Team fishing expeditions adorn
combat boots, green camouflaged battle dress uniforms,
body armour, hooded masks, goggles staging
dramatic Commando raids on poor communities
Shock lock Shotguns
Flash bang grenades
Double shot buckshot
Dead Buck paraded victims
It’s a counter-cultural fingers in the decline dyke
Good ol’ boys network offensive
Preventative detention, special grand juries ,no knock warrants
cement unfolding acute contradictions,
victimised racialised class other,
demonised crime baiting,
racially coded language protecting
a besieged middle class from predatory immigrant workers
as Watergate becomes distant.
Squeegee wars
Operation Losing Proposition
D-Day instructions
Times Square reconquest
Heritage industry gentrification cultural accumulation
Old cop forbearance, discretion, fairness skills
dissolve in a bathtub cocktail of military /technophile
army surplus hardware upwardly mobile elite unit status rewards
Amadio Diallo 41 shots street crimes unit Jim Crow stench
It’s a wrecked downsized homelessness of the brave,
a spectacle of ritualised terrors ,bifurcated social control
for an expanding surplus population
State of the art computerised surveillance systems
pump blood in an electronic dragnet where
deviants internalize the police gaze at the
panoptican of virtual outlaws.
Wu Tang Chan
Ernest Sagon aka “The Rabbit”
Kaleidoscopic Cop LAPD Visions of chaos -
Military training Nam counter –insurgency lessons learned
as the Rich riot in a cold bath Volcker /Reagan scorched earth
industrial apocalypse
Periphalising the Urban social wreckage-
the sand in the machine-
controlling the industrial social dynamite.
Victim blaming ethos blast off
Drug bust bonanzas
Narcotics teams used as WW 2 U-Boats
Military technology buying sprees
Gun –nut panegyric magazine porn
Paramilitary police/ beat cop osmosis
Get your Kicks on Route 95 unless you’re black !!
Election season anti-crack rhetoric roads to power
Urban American alpha cops pushing
zero tolerance Quality of life pre-emptive
take back strikes on the underground
Secured playground urban bedroom
salaried professional post -punk scenes
In the Theme park Urban centre
Cache cops sweeping up stats at early morning
computer aided wall -map paramilitary Comstat meetings -
“mending broken windows”.
Giuliani, Bratton hot seats send angry waves of blue
out to get results
Schools act as pre-prison vetting centres -
Socialising the police gaze in a post-Fordist Copland
Profit hungry real estate developers subterfuge to flicker out
strip joint porno land lights- Periphalising the homeless, the Negros, the poor
Police brass Gotham pilgrimage
zero tolerance apostles proselytise a post-modern Jim Crow
New burghers occupy hyper -anesthetised play zones ;
convention centre Theme park replacements for a post-industrial workforce
Urban professional pleasure seeking vehicles-
Corporate American massification of bohemian aesthetics
Private security/Urban malls signal a centre /periphery Racial/class matrix,
Private security policing interior spaces
interior cop control undesirables get displaced
in a vain city by the Bay
It’s an urban control retake boys !
Move on teams
Shopping cart nomads
Aged inebriates
Thrown away youth
Criminalised poor Periphelisation
Gentrification real estate speculator eviction
Copper destroyed housing block pre-emptive
squatter preventative retakes
Naked class war on the lower East Side
Crime concentration in urban wastelands at the end of the train line
Pole Perched Forests of McDonalds , Best Western,
Model 6 signs light up paramilitary police operations
in dying rail yards as elite navy seal armed soldier cops
fan out under choppers beating the air in the badlands of Frontier Fresno
“IT’S A WAR” !!
Pounding CHP chopper rotas
accompany incessant Alsatian dog barking , bull horn
instructions to infrared detected house occupants
instantly displayed on Crown Victoria 11 inch mobile screens
Come out with your hands on your heads and lay on the ground !!!
Lay down your weapons !!!
Probation weekend warriors exit into a beam of Chopper Klieg lights
as all white SWAT teams roll out in a law and order bonanza-
Armoured vehicles, submachine guns, automatic rifle s, attack dogs
police unemployment , nihilism, guns, rage, crack cocaine
coalescing in a lethal cocktail of gang propelled auto-extinction
Scorched earth campaigns, rolling billboard SWAT bus wolf packs-
the past lurching forward to collide against a high- tech future
as VCSU fleets of crown victorias race towards Code 3 officer down instructions
semiotic physical police dog corner presence-
Robocop’s the new slave-catcher militias .
Operation Goldstar
Crime baiting racially coded demonology incites middle class scapegoating,
inbuilt ritualised displays of terror spectacles, gang labelled sentencing enhancements,
false equivalence racist anti-poor victim blaming demonology
Chosts on the Fence
White border patrols prowl the barrios
stopping searching, asking, suspecting
over -killing the migrant poor
INS Jailhouse substitution roll outs criminalise the immigrant poor
as poverty proves inadequate ;
compliant undocumented immigrant workers the preferred drug of choice
for American Capitalist corporate bosses
Black Hawk Chopper lights move forward, backwards swiftly searching for
ghost like aliens on the border fence, radios crackle, headlights pinpoint
a short one winner chase
robocop night vision goggle cops,
Infrared TV cameras
Handcuffs, humiliation, bull whips, sweat boxes , electronic torture –
Mobile Klieg stadium lights clunk on
to light up political theatre for the riches’ enforcers
Cui Bono ?
Politicians – easy scapegoats
Bosses-cheap docile labour
The MAN – a bulwark against Viva Zapata!
Pastures of Poverty, Public highway black guy humiliations,
INS Sprawling detention archipelago hellholes ,Californian fields, Iowan abattoirs,
Big Apple seduction of illegals in a modern day great escape North
Bosses self-report cementing
immigrant deportation fear
Evil the incremental process
Life in The BIG HOUSE
CORCORAN- “Let the guns rule the Yard”
Politician concocted anti-crime nostrums
Prison abattoirs bring on brutal forced lockups
Landlocked slave ship prisons terrorise the poor,
while warehousing social dynamite
Prison number increase divide and rule correlations
semi-autonomous mutually reinforcing
bureaucratic empire layers unravel in a replicated
sexist male purgatory
Sex slave female substitutes diffuse political trouble
in rape factories, lecherous predators dole out
essentials in ladies’ lockdowns as perks
Vertically commanded gang structures
promulgate fear- self oppressive systems
of racialised ethnic gangs aiding The Man
No Spartacus possible here !!
The Man organises gladiatorial fights
organic decentralised self-fuelling social control
within and without these walls
Preston Tate
Golden state integrated Yard Policy
Gladiatorial fights as sadistic diversion-
political demagogic fuelled middle class
fantasy land prison as Right wing country clubs –
conjugal unit middle class rage
A PIRA wrecking ball gets thrown
Suit filing legalistic attrition wars
get waged against bureaucratic secretive adversaries
Prison Law library shutdowns
TV psychic meat grinder tentacles squash Higher education programmes-
redundant pumping iron weight rooms !
Adrian Lomax
Booty Bandits, Trusty shooters
Newly made punks choosing a Daddy
Punk Queen straight world submissive roles
Rape as power controller ,Sexual terror as prison Management,
Sex chattel guard connivance
Correction Officer shit lists
AIDS Rape Russian roulette wheel terror weapon
“Welcome to Shirley . Toughen up , punk“ just deserts
Eddie Dillard
Sex human body coin of the realm
reproduction of outside in an all male purgatory
“You’ll get the Blondest new fish in the new shipment”
Prison aggression diverted
Spartacus destroyed
Informers garnered
Herman “ Hoots “ Wallace
Washington DC City Jail for Women
sex carnival ritual abuse
put out for the guards or else
Segregated racial Balkans in a box
Gang members putting in the racial work
whatever their belief system
Its Segregated boys- right down to the weights !!
White Fence,
18th Street,
Santa Ana
Gang rhetoric, gang iconography
Vertically organised gang structures
Mexican Mafia soldier bust retaliations
a thousand home boys in Elysian Park-
post RODNEY KING Soldado truce
GGF Afro American life gang of choice
68- Bluebird San Quentin
AB Evolution racial war fades out
AB assassination hits for EME shot callers-
Las Nuestra FAMILIA
Arizona AB sell-out label for
AB criminal pragmatists
Racial no-fly zone yard domination
Corcoran social control arranged fights
Fuelling the boredom fear, anger, despair-
raw material ingredients in the dungeon race war,
hate factory discharge on to streets
local law-abiders running into the arms of The MAN
Security Housing unit Snitch factory
Loony bin meat grinder
Cell extractions, high tech SUV hell
George Jackson –‘Blood in my Eye’
Steven Castillo
Debrief or die snitch murders
bureaucratic economic interest
bountiful race war nexus on wedge- shaped
yards of Corcoran SHU
bring Manna from Sacramento
It’s a super max Pelican Bay lockup
a catwalk model of sensory deprivation and isolation
for the world eyes of the colonial master
Small town, big prison carcarel arcadias
incremental gulag state lockdown economy
South bay trailer pack prison cannon fodder
Prison guard Union, Politician carve up
Wackenhut transnational private prison EMPIRE,
gulag economy non -replacement for military
Industrial complex
Private jailers as cheats, liars .
The well-connected good ol’ boys network
corrections corps robust lobbying operations
Juice laden dens of far-right political muckety mucks
issue orders from high- tech yachts ,castle like mansions
in the Sunshine state
Private prison tentacles projects feeding
at the Behemoth margins for the Connected Ones,
Chaotic gladiatorial pits of training in Youngstown,
Power tripping screw rampages
A Self –amplifying culture of control
A Treacherous gangland of correctional
bureaucratic avoidance by Big Business
CCPOA political astro -turf
Big House Third World within-
Private Prison labour sideshow
Bad lazy evil racially “otherised” convicts
bust ass under the gunfight gaze of good ol’ boy guards-
a conservative dreamland private prison revenge fantasy for the rich
Private Prison labour-Ideological cult of work as Panacea
Invented scapegoats
Black Latino criminals
Immigrant Labour
The welfare Cheat
Crack heads
Re-Disciplining labour in a surplus value distribution
Zero sum game policing the surplus population
1950’s Hollywood Reaganite smokem’ out
ideologically driven world views
9/11 politician /cop imagined battlefields
Pit the Employed against the Unemployed
Immigrant/Indigenous, White against Black, Women /Men
Gay against Straight Christian/Muslim via endless wars on terror ,drugs
crime, immigrants ,the poor as profits flow up and The MAN keeps control.
Political Activism is the only Road out!!
Peter Burton
"LockDown America " by Christian Parenti.
Terrifying, informative and gripping.
—New York Press
Exhaustively documented...deserves a full hearing
from anyone serious about ending the often horrific
realities of the criminal justice system.
—Washington Post Book World
In the best tradition of investigative journalism,
paced like a fine novel, it carries the authority of
meticulous academic research.
—The Independant
Lockdown America is a fast read, angry and compelling.
—Philadelphia City Paper
Parenti's are flames of light not heat. He makes
complete sense.
—San Diego Union Tribune
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